Monday, August 29, 2011

Book Week Celebration

Monday 22nd to Friday 26th of August is Book Week.
At The Lakes, we love reading books. And last Thursday we had a Book Week dress up celebration parade.

We dressed up as our favourite book characters and paraded our costumes around the EY gym.

Here are some photos of us dressed as, well... you can figure it out!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Preps at Bundoora Park Farm.

On Wednesday, the weather looked dicey but it didn't hold us back from going on our first excursion to Bundoora Park Farm. Not even the rain can stop Preps from The Lakes!

I saw a peacock and I saw a cow and I saw a horse and I saw a pig. by Filip

We rode on a horse.  I felt happy. I liked the farm.  by Tiernan.

 We did Art and in Art we did sheep.  We had a pony ride. We loved it.   by Laura.

At the farm I fed the animals and after that I felt happy. When we were riding on the tractor the emus followed us. by Angelina P

I went into the chickens house. I felt sad because the chickens upset me. I fed the kid goat. I felt happy because it was ticklish on my hand. by Caitlin

I gave the goats some hay. It was fun and I saw a guinea pig. I saw kangaroos too. by Bailee

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Last Friday we celebrated our 100th Day of School! We had been counting down the days to this monumental event and it didn't disappoint.

This is what happened, in our own words.

We did dancing. We had breakfast. We had juice. We made fruit loops necklaces. We did how we will look when we will be 100. By Bhovik.

I liked the 100 days of school. We made fruit loop necklaces. I like my crown. I was making when I am 100. I put a lot of effort in my crown.  By Immogen.

Last Friday was 100 days of school. I had fun because it was 100 days of school. Me and my friends had fun.By Bianca.
Last time we had 100 days of school. We made a fruit loop necklace. By Carlos.
Last Friday I went to the 100 days of school party at school. We had cake and we danced. By Mihaad.