Thursday, May 26, 2011

The fuzz comes to the Prep pod!!

As part of our unit ‘Looking After Myself and Others’ this term, we had Wendy from Epping Police visit us in the Prep Pod. She told us all about what the Police do, and we got to ask her some questions about Police officers and how they keep us safe. 

We tried on many types of Police hats and learnt about the different Police units.

Wendy also brought in her Police car for us to look at. She turned on the lights and sirens, which were extremely loud. 

Owen “I liked the sirens on the Police car.”

Carlos “The sirens on the Police care were loud!”

Laura “It was fun because we got to hear real Police sirens.”

Angelique “I liked it when the sirens went off.”

Logan “I liked getting to see the Police car.”
A HUGE thanks to Wendy for visiting us. We learnt a great deal about how the Police help us in our community.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Jelly starts with a 'j'

Our letter of the week last week was 'j'. When we were brainstorming things that begin with a 'j', like jungle, jump and jeans, we realised that jelly also starts with a j.  
So we decided to make (and then eat) some yummy jelly.
We had our ingredients ready, and the bowls and spoons we needed to mix it.
We then followed our instructions and the jelly came out perfect!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Responsible Pet Ownership

On Tuesday we had a glorious visit from Leslie and her pet dog Kane as part of the Responsible Pet Ownership program.
We learnt how to approach a dog that we wanted to pat and say hello to.
We also know what to do if we see a dog that looks dangerous.

Luckily Kane was a friendly dog so we got to practise with him and give him a pat.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Term Two is in full swing!!

It's hard to believe we've been back at school for over two weeks already!

After an extra long Term One holiday break, with added Easter, we came back ready and rearing to go. Lots of us were practising our counting and writing and reading over the holidays, and it showed in our first couple of weeks of English and Maths sessions.


At the beginning of Week Two, we also had our first Athletics Carnival. Thankfully it wasn't too wet or too cold, but even if it was we did lots of activities and running races which kept our blood pumping and our feet and hands warm. Some of the fun activities were 'Human Tunnel Ball', 'Sack Race' and a very tricky 'Obstacle Course'. 


We also began our new unit of Investigation called 'Looking After Myself and Others'. We'll be investigating our personal well being, and how we ourselves and others can have a positive impact on it.

When we next speak, we'll be able to tell you all about our visit to the Life Ed van and making Chocolate Crackles.

So long....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Easter Bonnet Parade

This year Easter was during our school holidays, 
so all of our Easter activities came early. 

We had an Easter bonnet parade for the kids at our local kindergarten. We paraded our hats to them, and they did the same for us. It was very cool! We saw some of our old Kinder teachers there.

We also had a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny too. When we arrived in the morning there were big bunny footprints all around the pods, leading to the baskets that we made. The Easter Bunny had given us some yummy chocolate eggs to munch on. Hopefully some of us shared them with our families at home.