Monday, February 28, 2011

It's never too late to talk about cupcakes!

A couple of weeks back while learning about the letter 'c', the Preps made Cupcakes. Each Prep student helped to make a batch of delicious Cupcakes in their Home Groups. There were Cupcakes with icing, Cupcakes with sprinkles, strawberry Cupcakes... lots of yummy cupcakes!
Thankfully we didn't have to wait until we learned about the letter 'e' to Eat them.
See you soon...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This week in Maths.

This week in Maths we've been continuing to explore numbers and counting through various activities. We are having lots of fun working with students from other Home Groups too, which means there are more kids to share our learning with.

We have also started practising to count to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. 


We've been playing Maths games on the smartboard, making patterns with threading, playing number memory, shape sorting, practising writing numerals and making number towers with unifix. 

Nothing to do but keep practising.

Until next time...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our First Day (and week) at school!

Well, we’ve only been at school for a week, but what a week it’s been! We are having a great time exploring our new environment and making new friends along the way. There are so many other Preps to talk to and play with, so many awesome things to do in the pods, so much area to run around and play at snack and lunch, and finally so many new teachers to learn the names of.

We also went to our first assembly and did a great job sitting and listening to the speakers, amongst all the other kids on our campus. Last but not least, we went to our first lifestyles sessions and met our lifestyles teachers.

Whew... like we said it has been a rather eventful week!

We will check in again in the next week.

Thanks for stopping by!